
What is the Role and Scope of AI in Online Assessments?

ONLINE ASSESSMENT PLATFORM | पर प्रविष्ट किया 02 Sep 2024
What is the Role and Scope of AI in Online Assessments?

Introduction of AI in Online Assessment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) does sound like a new term that has recently started to take control over various aspects of assessments, but the very first time AI made its initial move in this sector was in the era of 1990s. It was the time when paper-based assessments took a turn towards technology moving the conventional exam system to the online examination platform.

Functionalities such as automated scoring and computer generative easy to interpret reports started coming in trend. It was one of the most significant routine tasks that got transformed with technology, producing a candidate report with the use of algorithms.

With time the use of AI has greatly amplified in terms of completely automating the whole of the assessment process and totally eliminating even the slightest manual interference.

But with the application of AI comes along a few challenges that need to be overcome for a better experience while using it-

    • ➢ Issues related to defensibility – AI evolves on the concept of “deep learning networks” which means that it learns as the data increases on the online test software. If the same systems are used by your competitors, then more or less you all will be on the same page of chasing similar talent. Another issue is that AI develops and learns based on data collected over time which makes it possible to take decisions. So sometimes it becomes hard to analyze its reasoning and to comprehend that the decision is based on which algorithm. Only the AI system which comes with the scope of customization can provide transparent decisions.


    • ➢ Time Taking– As mentioned in the above point, AI develops over the course of time. The concept of AI is to replicate human behavior and develop on the data acquired from your assessors and raters. To train your AI you need to pre-feed the online test platform system on which the AI can base its concepts, which is a time taking process.


    • ➢ Ethical issues – It is an ethical point that how much you depend on the support of AI. You need to decide if AI should take complete hold on the procedure or it has to be used only for additional information or augmenting efficiency. Depending completely on AI can be problematic somewhere, but using it as a companion in helping you making decisions is much better.


    • ➢ Data handling – AI is an efficient system to handle large data at hand with perfect ease. But when it comes to interpreting the results and making decisions, then misinterpretation of data can be a problem. AI should be used in a careful manner and its functioning needs to be supervised to predict the outcomes.


Artificial intelligence has become a significant part of the online test platform as it is the most effective way to counter the drawbacks that are otherwise disrupting the assessment process in manual methods. Its part in guiding the online assessments and making them accurate at best is one of the many roles that AI plays.

Other than this some of its other benefits are:

    • ➢ Precision  – Handling huge data at hand is a brainstorming task for humans and is subject to some serious errors that can disrupt the outcome. With the presence of AI, the benefit is that it can analyze any amount of data with precision and perfection. Every day the efficiency and application of AI are growing while being used in software this is the reason why it can be depended upon more than human calculation when making decisions.


    • ➢ Efficiency – Whenever any process is automated, it becomes efficient in comparison to manual methods. Integration of AI in the online test software enables the administrator to conduct objective and consistent assessments with efficiency. AI also adds to the feature of online proctoring by giving detailed analysis on individual candidates in real-time scenario.


    • ➢ Eliminates bias factor – In general humans are inclined towards stereotypes and biases, but this is not the case with AI. It does not perceive any irrelevant factor while making decisions and solely rely on the installed programming and acquired data.


    • ➢ Engagement – AI improves the quality of the online examination platform giving the best of experience to its users making it interesting software to use. Especially when online assessments are used for recruiting purposes, AI enhances the process of selection for both candidates as well as recruiters and makes better decisions.


Future of AI in Online Assessment

In the end it is important to take a glance on its future scope in online test software and how it is supposed to improve with time. Technology has got no limitations on its growth and is only moving towards more superior level in terms of rendering perfection. In this light it is important to note that assessment developers are coming up with new ideas every other day and are looking forward to implement AI on a much broader platform.

Open ended questions are the next move that needs to be effectively integrated with the online test platform which can also be evaluated using AI instead of manual evaluation. Carrying out real time interviews during recruiting assessments is another growth that the online assessment world is looking up to.


Think Exam Advanced AI enabled platform

Examson exam
Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in augmenting the quality of tech-enhanced features of Think Exam online assessment platform. It has given a new meaning to the concept of online proctoring by giving precision like never before. Other than proctoring, AI has also been integrated with basic necessities of the platform such as test creation and test conducting features. To know more on how AI backs the excellence of Think Exam assessment platform, sign up to the platform.


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